通訊地址🅿️:環境科學與工程學院(西城校區), 熊猫体育,廣東省茂名市官渡二路139號
張健義博士🎤,副教授🖖🏼,其本科、碩士及博士學業均在馬來西亞國立大學(QS世界大學排名位列第138位)圓滿完成🌋。他曾在馬來西亞英迪國際大學(INTI International University Malaysia)擔任高級講師一職,並在馬來西亞國立大學及華南理工大學深入進行博士後研究工作🐤。2022年,張健義博士加盟熊猫体育環境與科學工程學院。早在2019年🙇♂️,他便已入選廣東省博士後人才引進計劃的海外青年博士後引進項目👩🏿🦲。
1. 馬來西亞:Highly Sensitive Optical Fiber Temperature Sensor Based on Cascaded Sagnac Interferometers. 2024. Co-researcher. INTI IU Research Seeding Grant 2024. (On-going)
2. 馬來西亞:Assessment Source of Microplastic in Selected Municipal Solid Waste Landfill in Malaysia. 2021. Project Leader. INTI IU Research Seeding Grant 2021. (Completed)
3. 馬來西亞:Investigating the influence of manganese oxide in enhancing electrochemical performance of nanostructure. 2021. Co-researcher. INTI IU Research Seeding Grant 2021. (Completed)
4. 馬來西亞🪑:Myhome 2.0: Pergerakan Civic Terhadap Masyarakat Karbon Rendah dan TIndakan Perubahan Iklim di Perkampungan Nelayan. 2019. Project Leader. Geran Kecil Alam Sekitar & Teknologi Hijau Negeri Selangor Tahun 2019. (Completed)
5. 馬來西亞🆘:Knowledge Action Transfer Zero Waste Community Climate Change Awareness to Fishing Tourism. 2018. Project leader. Geran Kecil Alam Sekitar & Teknologi Hijau Negeri Selangor Tahun 2018. (Completed)
1. Noor Ezlin Ahmad Basri, Shahrom Md Zain, Tiew Kian-Ghee, and Zarina Shahudin. 2015. Penjanaan dan Pencirian Sisa Pepejal Kampus. Bab2, Kampus Sisa Sifar: Transformasi Pengurusan Sisa Pepejal. Book edited by Shahrom Md Zain, Noor Ezlin Ahmad Basri & Hassan Basri, ISBN 978-967-412-272-0.
2. Hassan Basri, Noor Ezlin Ahmad Basri, Shahrom Md Zain, Tiew Kian-Ghee, and Zarina Shahudin. 2015. Pengasingan Sisa Pepejal di UKM. Bab5, Kampus Sisa Sifar: Transformasi Pengurusan Sisa Pepejal. Book edited by Shahrom Md Zain, Noor Ezlin Ahmad Basri & Hassan Basri, ISBN 978-967-412-272-0.
3. Tiew Kian-Ghee, Noor Ezlin Ahmad Basri, Hassan Basri, Shahrom Md Zain and Sarifah Yaakob. 2012. Implementation of Recycling Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) at University Campus. Chapter 9, Waste Management – An Integrated Vision. Book edited by Luis Fernando Marmolejo Rebellon, ISBN 978-953-51-0795-8.
1. Kian-Ghee Tiew*. 2024. Sustainable chromium ore processing residue (COPR) waste treatment with black soldier fly larvae (BSFL). Journal of Hazardous Materials Letters. 5 (2024) 100126 (WoS, Impact factor: 6.6, Q1)
2. Wen-Pei Low , Wong Wai Chun , Fung-Lung Chang, Hoong Pin Lee , Noorul Hudai Binti Abdullah, Santhana Krishnan, Kian-Ghee Tiew*. 2024. Removal of various metal ions in water by different pre-treatments of fly ash. PLANNING MALAYSIA: Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners. VOLUME 22 ISSUE 4 (2024), Page 99 – 113. (WoS, Impact factor: 0.91, Q3)
3. Kian-Ghee Tiew*, Noor Ezlin Ahmad Basri, Deng Hong, Kohei Watanabe, Shahrom Md. Zain, Shuting Wang. 2019. Comparative study on recycling behaviours between regular recyclers and non-regular recyclers in Malaysia. Journal of Environmental Management, 2019.2.21,237: 255-263 (WoS, Impact factor: 4.865, Q1)
4. Kian-Ghee Tiew*, Noor Ezlin Ahmad Basri, Kohei Watanabe. 2018. Malaysia's commercial and institutional practices of recycling,Waste Management, 2018.08, 78: II-III (WoS, Impact factor: 5.431, Q1)
5. Kian-Ghee Tiew*, Noor Ezlin Ahmad Basri, Kohei Watanabe. 2018. Impacts and benefits of community based solid waste recycling management initiatives in Malaysia, Waste Management, 2018.08, 78: I-II (WoS, Impact factor: 5.431, Q1)
6. Kian-Ghee Tiew*, Noor Ezlin Ahmad Basri, Kohei Watanabe. 2018. Tourism hotspot and festive solid waste recycling initiatives in Malaysia. Waste Management. 2018.07, 77: III-IV (WoS, Impact factor: 5.431, Q1)
7. Kian-Ghee Tiew*, Noor Ezlin Ahmad Basri, Kohei Watanabe. 2018. Non-governmental organizations solid waste recycling initiatives in Peninsular Malaysia. Waste Management. 2018.05, 75: III-IVhttps://doi.org/10.1016/S0956-053X(18)30215-0 (WoS, Impact factor: 5.431, Q1)
8. T. Kian-Ghee*, A.C. Er. 2017. Malaysian Government solid waste recycling management initiatives. Waste Management. 2017.09, 67: II-II (WoS, Impact factor: 5.431, Q1)
9. K.G. Tiew*, N.E.A. Basri, S.M. Zain, A.C. Er. 2017. Higher Educational Institutions` waste recycling initiatives in Malaysia. Waste Management. 2017.05, 63: II-III (WoS, Impact factor: 5.431, Q1)
10. Kian-ghee Tiew*, Hai Hwee Yang, Beh Weng Chee, Noor Ezlin Ahmad Basri & Hassan Basri. 2011. Mapping a Route to a Zero-Waste Campus in the National University of Malaysia. Waste Management 31: 1416–1420. (WoS, Impact factor: 5.431, Q1)
11. Kian-Ghee Tiew*, Noor Ezlin Ahmad Basri, Kohei Watanabe, Mohammed F.M. Abushammala, and Mohd. Takiyuddin Bin Ibrahim. 2015. Assessment of the Sustainability Level of Community Waste Recycling Program in Malaysia. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management. 2015.07,17(3): 598-605 (Scopus, Impact factor: 2.004, Q3)
12. Kian-Ghee Tiew*, Noor Ezlin Ahmad Basri, Kohei Watanabe, Shahrom M. Zain, Ah-Choy Er and Hong Deng. 2019. Higher Educational Institutions Recycling Management in Malaysia. International Journal of Business and Society Vol. 20 No.1, 2019, 277-285. (Scopus, Impact factor: 0.16, Q3)
13. Kian-Ghee Tiew*, Noor Ezlin Ahmad Basri, Kohei Watanabe and Wan Nur Ashiqin Wan Mohamad. 2015. Assessment of Factors Attracting Waste Recycler Behaviours by Rasch Model. Jurnal Teknologi. 2015, 72(1): 63-70 (Scopus, Impact factor: 0.2, Q2)
14. Kian-Ghee Tiew*, Noor Ezlin Ahmad Basri, Kohei Watanabe and Shahrom Md. Zain. 2015. Community Municipal Solid Waste Recycling Management in Malaysia. Solid Waste Solutions Journal. Volume 1. Page 65-74.
15. Kian-Ghee Tiew*, Kohei Watanabe, Noor Ezlin Ahmad Basri, Shahrom Md. Zain & Hassan Basri. 2013. Level of Recycling Awareness and Responses to On-campus Recycling Facilities: Case Study- Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Students. UNIMAS E-Journal of Civil Engineering. Vol. 4: Issue 1/April 2013.
16. Kian-Ghee Tiew*, Kohei Watanabe, Noor Ezlin Ahmad Basri, Shahrom Md. Zain & Hassan Basri. 2011. Reducing Waste Disposal from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Campus by 2 Bins Recycling System. UNIMAS E-Journal of Civil Engineering.
17. Kian-Ghee Tiew*, Stefan Kruppa, Noor Ezlin Ahmad Basri & Hassan Basri. 2010. Municipal Solid Waste Composition Study at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Campus. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Science 4(12): 6380-6389.
18. Kohei Watanabe, Shunsuke Sasaki, Kian Ghee Tiew and Dani Irwan. 2018. Comparison of Recycling Activities at Landfills in Indonesia and Malaysia. Worldwide Waste: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 1(1): 5, 1–6, DOI: https://doi.org/10.5334/wwwj.8
19. Shahrom Md Zain, Noor Ezlin Ahmad Basri, Lailatulfariha Mamat, Tiew Kian Ghee, Suraya Syaril & Nurul Syazrina Abd Rahman. 2017. Community service as platform for environmental ethics in Citra education. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology.
20. Noor Ezlin Ahmad Basri, Siti Fatin Abd Ghani, Shahrom Md Zain, Tiew Kian Ghee. 2017. Waste generation and students’ perception on waste separation program at cafeterias UKM Bangi campus. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology.
21. Shahrom Md Zain, Noor Ezlin Ahmad Basri, Nur Ajlaa Mahmood, Hassan Basri, Norhidayu Zakaria, Rahmah Elfithri, Maisarah Ahmad, Tiew Kian Ghee & Zarina Shahudin. 2012. Recycling Practice to Promote Sustainable Behaviour at University Campus. Asian Social Science; Vol. 8, No. 16; 2012.
22. Shahrom Md Zain, Noor Ezlin Ahmad Basri, Hassan Basri, Norhidayu Zakaria, Rahmah Elfithri, Maisarah Ahmad, Tiew Kian Ghee, Zarina Shahudin, Sarifah Yaakub, Ismi Azura Istear Khan. 2012. Focusing on Recycling Practice to Promote Sustainable Behaviour. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 60 (2012) 546 – 555.
23. Rahmah Elfithri, Tiew Kian Ghee, Noor Ezlin Ahmad Basri, Shahrom Md Zain. 2012. Integrated Paper Recycling Management System in UKM Campus. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 60 (2012) 556 – 561.